If you’re a Creative Works member or have popped into the space at any point over the last few months, you may have spotted our #TrulifyNook. Here it is in action (above) ^^
Photo credit: Lisa Bretherick
A focussed environment for productivity with stable and secure internet via light waves.
The #TrulifyNook is the result of a collaboration between Nook Wellness Pods and Trulify by Signify. Nook Wellness Pods provide workers with a quiet oasis where they can be productive in otherwise busy environments (like coworking spaces and schools).
Lighting and sound can be controlled and the pods come equipped with sanitizers and screens to help minimise the spread of germs.
Designed with sustainability in mind
“I believe that sourcing responsibly and building something to be recyclable are only the bookends of true sustainability,” says Nook Wellness Pod’s David O’Coimin.
“This is especially the case if you’re making something that should last. And then that on its own is not enough either: it needs to be able to evolve and change over its lifetime.”
Nook Wellness Pods are backwards compatible, making them very easy to repair and refresh. So, as well as making sure parts are sourced sustainably and can be recycled, they’re designed in a way that enables them to have long-term value.
“They’re also designed to be able to adapt to changing environments. Because as we’re all seeing at the moment, adaptation, agility, flexibility are absolutely key.”
Non-fixed assets like these are going to be “incredibly valuable moving forward”, says David.
Trulify’s innovative new LiFi system enables users to connect to the internet through existing light waves. It’s high speed (200 Mbps up and 140Mbps download speed) and super secure, because light waves don’t travel through walls.
You can connect to it using a USB access key. When you plug the USB into your laptop or tablet, it receives the data from the transceiver located in the pod’s ceiling.
“At the moment, wireless data is carried via radiowaves,” explains Signify’s Karen Bamford. “But it’s possible to attach data to lightwaves as well.”
LiFi can be fitted anywhere – including in coworking spaces, conference centres, offices and hotels. Signify is currently working on a proposition to enable people to access LiFi at home.
Watch this space!